Saturday, November 1, 2014

Blender3D Node Operations

  • Shift + S (snap options, also 3D cursor ops)
  • Ctrl + Alt + Shift  + C (Origin options)
  • Shift + D (Duplicate)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Blender3D General Modeling

  • Slice = Ctrl + r
  • Slide Verts = gg

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Blender3D Edit Mode

Edit Mode is how verts, edges and faces are edited in Blender3D

  • Tab to toggle Edit Mode on or off
  • Ctrl + Tab to choose between Verts, Edges or Faces

Rosetta Stone

Translation of Terminology between programs.

Blender3D 3DSMax Blender Shortcut
3D Cursor Working Pivot
Apply Rotation & Scale Reset XForm Ctrl + a
Bevel Chamfer Ctrl + b
Create Edge Connect J (with 2 verts selected)
Duplicate Duplicate Shift + D (copy) -- Alt + D (Instance)
Edit Mode Sub Object Mode Tab
Empty Helper
F-Curves Animation Curves
Join Attach Ctrl + J
Knife Tool Cut Tool
Link Selection Select Element Ctrl + L
Local View Isolate Numpad /
Merge Collapse Alt + M
Origin Pivot Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C
Proportional Edit Soft Selection O
Remove Doubles Weld Selected w
Select Similar Select by Material ID Shift + G
Shade Smooth Smooth
Shrink and Flatten Bevel (the scaling after Extruding) Alt + S (on verts)
Simple Deform Bend, Twist, etc
Smooth Relax
Solidify Shell
Split Detach P
Subdivision Surface Turbosmooth
Texture Paint Mode Viewport Canvas

Monday, July 14, 2014

Blender3D Viewport Navigation

  • Orbit = MMB (+ Alt Snap to Predetermined Angles)
  • Pan = MMB + Shift
  • Zoom = MMB + Ctrl (or Mouse Wheel)
  • Numpad period = Zoom Extends/Focus Selected/ORBIT AROUND SELECTED
  • Numpad 2,4,6,8 are camera ROTATIONS (predetermined  increments)
  • Numpad +/- Incremental Zoom
  • Numpad 3 = Right View (+ Ctrl Left View)
  • Numpad 1 = Front View (+ Ctrl Back View)
  • Numpad 7 = Top View ( +Ctrl Bottom View)
  • Numpad 5 = Perspective/Iso Toggle
  • z = see thru / opaque toggle
  • Shift + Space = Maximize view
  • Alt + f10 = (Expert Mode) Fullscreen, no UI

3DSMax to Blender3d

Hello, I am a 3D artist with over 14 years of experience using 3D Studio Max. I am by trade a technical artist, and to be blunt I am not very happy with the latest few 3DSMax releases. In my personal opinion 3DSMax 2010 was awesome and everything since has just been more complicated and not very good.

Looking for an alternative to perhaps switch to, I've eyed Blender3D for many years. But to be quite honest, the dauntingly different interface plus a very toxic, hobbyist, immature community has kept me at bay.

But as life would have it, at my current job, I am seating between (literally) 2 really good 3D artists who know 3DSMax, Maya and Blender3D. So I am taking this opportunity to learn Blender and see, once I get good with it, if this is a program that I would like to pursue or keep suffering Autodesk's blunders.

This blog's primary purpose is to write down notes and "translations" so anyone in the future, trying to migrate into Blender3D from 3DSMax can hopefully find the journey an easier one.

Off I go.


P.S. -- I will be using the DEFAULT settings in Blender3D, everyone says to do this, including these 2 awesome dudes that are helping me out, Valar Dohaeris.