Monday, September 21, 2015

ZBrush Custom Menus

To Create Custom Menus in Zbrush:

  1. Preferences/Config/Enable Customize 
  2. Preferences/Custom UI/Create New Menu
  3. Name it
  4. It will appear along the top menus
  5. Drag it to the right most pane to edit it
  6. Ctrl + Drag Items into the New Menu 
  7. To add a Sub Palette, drag it from Preferences/Custom UI/Custom Subpalette (Ctrl + Click SubPalette's name to rename, AFTER it has things in it)
  8. When Done, CLICK OFF "Enable Customize" Button
  9. Preferences/Config/Save UI 
  10. Name and Save it.

ZBrush Custom UI

Customizing Zbrush UI

  1. Preferences/Config/Enable Customize 
  2. Ctrl + Alt + Drag Any Button from Any menu to Zbrush desktop
  3. Brushes Can ONLY be taken from the Brush Menu on the top. not the icons
  4. When Done, CLICK OFF "Enable Customize" Button
  5. Preferences/Config/Save UI 
  6. Name and Save it.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Noticeable Differences week 6

- 20 minutes on stationary bike, speed 8mph, resistance 3.
- 10 minutes on Rowing Machine, 24spm
- walking up from Civic Center platform no longer makes legs wobbly. I am not as winded either.
- belt down to 2nd notch
- noticed more definition on arms.