I know this it's incredible late. But could be usefull to whoever read it. The convertion between sRGB and linear it's not well done. For example, white cement, which has a a reflectivity of 0.7 (albedo linear) correspond to 179 On sRGB (1-255)
@James the values don't equal each other because Linear and sRGB are in different color spaces. sRGB values have to be gamma-reversed to get into Linear, and vice versa. Hope this helps!
I know this it's incredible late. But could be usefull to whoever read it. The convertion between sRGB and linear it's not well done. For example, white cement, which has a a reflectivity of 0.7 (albedo linear) correspond to 179 On sRGB (1-255)
ReplyDelete@James the values don't equal each other because Linear and sRGB are in different color spaces. sRGB values have to be gamma-reversed to get into Linear, and vice versa. Hope this helps!